Source code for csnake.pil_converter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for conversion of PIL images to lists for variable initialization.
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

from mypy_extensions import TypedDict

from .utils import bytes_to_int
from .utils import rgb888_to_rgb565
from .utils import sublists_from_iterable

__all__ = ("pil_image_to_list",)

# conditional imports
    from PIL.Image import Image
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        "Package PIL or Pillow must be available to use this functionality."
    ) from e

ConversionItem = TypedDict(
        "formats": Tuple[str, str],
        "conversion": Callable,
        "bytes_per_pixel": int,
Conversion = List[ConversionItem]

CONVERSIONS: Conversion = [
        "formats": ("RGB", "RGB888"),
        "conversion": bytes_to_int,
        "bytes_per_pixel": 3,
        "formats": ("RGB", "RGB565"),
        "conversion": rgb888_to_rgb565,
        "bytes_per_pixel": 3,
        "formats": ("RGBA", "ARGB8888"),
        "conversion": bytes_to_int,
        "bytes_per_pixel": 4,
    {"formats": ("L", "A8"), "conversion": bytes_to_int, "bytes_per_pixel": 1},

[docs]def pil_image_to_list( image: Image, outformat: str = "ARGB8888" ) -> List[List[int]]: """Convert a PIL image into an a list of `int`\\ s. Conversion is done from the :meth:`Image.tobytes` to `list` of `int`, based on the format given by the argument `format`. The main purpose of this is to turn :class:`Image`\\ s into nested `list`\\ s, which can be used as array initialization values by :class: csnake.variable. image's format is extracted from the image itself and there is only a limited number of conversions available. While the input format is fixed, the output format is supplied by `outformat`. Here are the supported mappings of formats (PIL :attr:`Image.mode` → output format): * RGB → RGB888 * RGB → RGB565 * RGBA → ARGB888 * L → A8 Args: image: `PIL` or `Pillow` :class:`Image` to be turned into array. outformat: Format of `int`'s in the output array. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`int` for pixels of the image Raises: TypeError: If the `image` arg passed isn't a `PIL` `Image`. ValueError: If the conversion between the listed formats isn't possible. Examples: >>> from csnake.pil_converter import pil_image_to_list >>> from csnake import CodeWriter, Variable, FormattedLiteral >>> from PIL import Image, ImageDraw >>> im ='RGB', (3, 3)) >>> dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im) >>> dr.line((0,0) + im.size, fill = '#8CAFAF') >>> im_ls = pil_image_to_list(im, "RGB888") >>> print(im_ls) [[9220015, 0, 0], [0, 9220015, 0], [0, 0, 9220015]] >>> var = Variable( ... "pic", ... primitive="int", ... value=FormattedLiteral(im_ls, int_formatter=hex), ... ) >>> cw = CodeWriter() >>> cw.add_variable_initialization(var) >>> print(cw) int pic[3][3] = { {0x8cafaf, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x8cafaf, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x8cafaf} }; """ if not isinstance(image, Image): raise TypeError("image must be an instance of PIL.Image") input_format = image.mode output_format = outformat iomode = input_format, output_format try: conversion = next(i for i in CONVERSIONS if i["formats"] == iomode) except StopIteration as e: raise ValueError( f"Cannot export to pixel format {output_format} from an image " "with pixel format {input_format}. See documenation code for " "valid combinations." ) from e conversion_function = conversion["conversion"] bytes_per_pixel = conversion["bytes_per_pixel"] rows = image.height row_width = image.width image_bytes = image.tobytes() input_bytes = len(image_bytes) if not input_bytes % bytes_per_pixel == 0: raise ValueError( f"Number of picture's bytes ({input_bytes}) is not " "divisible by the pixel byte length for its supposed format " "({self.bytes_per_pixel})." ) image_bytes_to_int = (int(b) for b in image_bytes) int_list_pixels = sublists_from_iterable( image_bytes_to_int, bytes_per_pixel ) intpixel_iter = iter(int_list_pixels) output_list = [] for _ in range(rows): curr_row = [] for _ in range(row_width): current_pixel_ints = next(intpixel_iter) converted_pixel = conversion_function(current_pixel_ints) curr_row.append(converted_pixel) output_list.append(curr_row) return output_list