Source code for csnake.cconstructs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes that define C constructs.
# TODO: make a static default for LiteralFormatters for using as default, instead
# of using another instance every time.
# TODO: add typedefs, especially for function pointers
import collections
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable
from typing import Collection
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from .codewriterlite import CodeWriterLite
from .utils import assure_str
from .utils import seq_get

# internal types used by csnake as initialization values
class CIntLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for all C integer literals."""


class CFloatLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for all C floating point literals."""


class CArrayLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for array literals: sized Iterables except str, Mapping."""

    def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass):
        if cls is CArrayLiteral:
            if (
                and issubclass(subclass,
                and not issubclass(subclass, (str,
                return True
            return False
        return NotImplemented


class CStructLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for struct literals: any Mapping (dict-like)."""

    def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass):
        if cls is CStructLiteral:
            return issubclass(subclass,
        return NotImplemented


class CBasicLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for literals of basic C types (int, float)."""


class CExtendedLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for basic C literals (int, float) + bool and char[]."""


class CLiteral(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """ABC for any C literal."""

    def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass):
        if cls is CLiteral:
            return issubclass(
                subclass, (CExtendedLiteral, CStructLiteral, CArrayLiteral)
        return NotImplemented


# conditional imports
    import numpy as np
except ImportError:

    import sympy as sp
except ImportError:

class ShapelessError(TypeError):
    """Argument doesn't have a shape."""

def _shape(array: Iterable) -> tuple:
    """Return dimensions (shape) of a multidimensional list."""

        return array.shape  # type: ignore
    except AttributeError:

    if isinstance(array, str):
        raise ShapelessError("Strings don't have a shape.")

    if isinstance(array, Mapping):
        raise ShapelessError("Mappings (like dicts) don't have a shape.")

    curr = array
    shp: List[int] = []

    while True:
        if not isinstance(curr, CArrayLiteral):
            return tuple(shp)
            itr = iter(curr)
            curr = next(itr)
        except (TypeError, IndexError):
            return tuple(shp)

# C constructs:

[docs]def simple_bool_formatter(value: bool) -> str: """Simple formatter that turns a bool into 'true' or 'false'. Args: value: boolean to format Returns: :obj:`str`'s 'true' or 'false' """ if value: return "true" else: return "false"
[docs]def simple_str_formatter(value: str) -> str: """Simple formatter that surrounds a str with quotes. Args: value: string to format Returns: :obj:`str` that's the input string surrounded with double quotes """ return f'"{value}"'
class LiteralFormatters: """Collection of formatters used for formatting literals. Any values left out from constructor call is set to defaults. Args: int_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`int` literals float_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`float` literals bool_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`bool` literals string_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`char[]` literals Attributes: int_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`int` literals float_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`float` literals bool_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`bool` literals string_formatter: function to call when formatting :ccode:`char[]` literals """ __slots__ = ( "int_formatter", "float_formatter", "string_formatter", "bool_formatter", ) def __init__( self, int_formatter: Callable = int, float_formatter: Callable = float, bool_formatter: Callable = simple_bool_formatter, string_formatter: Callable = simple_str_formatter, ) -> None: self.int_formatter = int_formatter self.float_formatter = float_formatter self.bool_formatter = bool_formatter self.string_formatter = string_formatter @classmethod def empty(cls): """Returns an empty :class: instance (`None` for every parameter).""" return cls(**{key: None for key in cls.__slots__}) def __repr__(self): """Simple printout of parameter values.""" lines = (f" {slot}: {getattr(self, slot)}" for slot in self.__slots__) return "formatters {\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n}" def replace(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a copy of collection with certain formatters replaced.""" if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs: arg = next(iter(args)) if isinstance(arg, LiteralFormatters): initializer = { slot: getattr(arg, slot) if getattr(arg, slot) is not None else getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__ } return LiteralFormatters(**initializer) if isinstance(arg, Mapping): return self.replace(**arg) if kwargs and not args: diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(self.__slots__) if diff: raise TypeError( f"Arguments {str(diff)} are invalid for this function" ) initializer = { slot: kwargs[slot] if slot in kwargs else getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__ } return LiteralFormatters(**initializer) raise TypeError("Invalid arguments for this function") @classmethod def partial(cls, dictionary: Mapping): """Create a partial formatter collection based on a dict.""" rtnval = cls.empty() return rtnval.replace(dictionary)
[docs]class FormattedLiteral: """A C literal with its formatter collection altered. The accompanying literal formatter collection will be used when generating the initialization :obj:`str`. Args: \\*\\*kwargs: keyword arguments for each of the formatters in ['int_formatter', 'float_formatter', 'bool_formatter', 'string_formatter'] we want to change for this literal. Every missing formatter is inherited from the literal (or default). Attributes: value: value of literal formatter: collection of literal formatters """ __slots__ = ("value", "formatter") def __init__(self, value: CLiteral, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.value = value if args: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected arguments: {args}") self.formatter = LiteralFormatters.partial(kwargs)
[docs]class VariableValue(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for any initializer value based on a variable. Sometimes we want to initialize a value to another variable, but in some more complicated manner: using the address-of operator, dereference operator, subscripting, typecasting... This is an ABC for those modifiers. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None): """Return code used for variable initialization, formatted with the supplied formatters. Args: formatters: collection of formatters used for formatting the initialization :obj:`str` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def __str__(self): """Return :obj:`str` containing initialization code."""
def generate_c_value_initializer( cval: Union[CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue], formatters: LiteralFormatters = None, ) -> str: """Generate an initialization str from a literal using formatters.""" if formatters is None: formatters = LiteralFormatters() if isinstance(cval, VariableValue): return str(cval.init_target_code(formatters)) if isinstance(cval, bool): return str(formatters.bool_formatter(cval)) if isinstance(cval, CIntLiteral): return str(formatters.int_formatter(cval)) if isinstance(cval, CFloatLiteral): return str(formatters.float_formatter(cval)) if isinstance(cval, str): return str(formatters.string_formatter(cval)) raise TypeError("cval must be a CExtendedLiteral.") class _ArrStructInitGen: """Classes and functions that help with initialization generation.""" __slots__ = "type_action_pairs" def __registration(self): "Fake function to register slots with mypy. Not meant to be called." self.type_action_pairs = None raise NotImplementedError class OpenBrace: """Helper class to identify open braces while printing.""" __slots__ = () class ClosedBrace: """Helper class to identify closed braces while printing. struct_closing means the brace closes a struct initialization """ __slots__ = "struct_closing" def __init__(self, struct_closing: bool = False) -> None: self.struct_closing = bool(struct_closing) class Designator: """Helper class to identify struct designators.""" __slots__ = ("name",) def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name @staticmethod def lookthrough_ignoring_format( forvar: Union[FormattedLiteral, CLiteral] ) -> Union[CLiteral, FormattedLiteral]: if isinstance(forvar, FormattedLiteral): return _ArrStructInitGen.lookthrough_ignoring_format(forvar.value) return forvar @staticmethod def lookahead_ignoring_format( stack: deque, ) -> Union[ Designator, OpenBrace, ClosedBrace, CArrayLiteral, CStructLiteral, CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue, ]: index = -1 while True: try: lookahead = stack[index] except IndexError as e: raise IndexError( "no next element of interest on stack." ) from e if isinstance(lookahead, FormattedLiteral): res = _ArrStructInitGen.lookthrough_ignoring_format(lookahead) assert isinstance(res, CLiteral) return res # type: ignore if isinstance(lookahead, LiteralFormatters): index -= 1 continue return lookahead @staticmethod def c_array_literal_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: stack.append(_ArrStructInitGen.ClosedBrace()) try: stack.extend(reversed(top)) # type: ignore except TypeError: tempdeq: deque = deque() assert isinstance(top, Iterable) tempdeq.extendleft(top) stack.extend(tempdeq) stack.append(_ArrStructInitGen.OpenBrace()) return formatters @staticmethod def c_struct_literal_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: stack.append(_ArrStructInitGen.ClosedBrace(struct_closing=True)) assert isinstance(top, Mapping) dict_pairs = ( (value, _ArrStructInitGen.Designator(key)) for key, value in reversed(list(top.items())) ) flatdict = (item for sublist in dict_pairs for item in sublist) stack.extend(flatdict) stack.append(_ArrStructInitGen.OpenBrace()) return formatters @staticmethod def closed_brace_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: writer.dedent() if top.struct_closing: writer.add_line("}") else: writer.add("}") try: lookahead = _ArrStructInitGen.lookahead_ignoring_format(stack) except IndexError: pass else: if isinstance(lookahead, _ArrStructInitGen.ClosedBrace): writer.dedent() writer.add_line("") writer.indent() elif isinstance( lookahead, (CArrayLiteral, _ArrStructInitGen.OpenBrace) ): writer.add(",") writer.add_line("") else: writer.add(",") return formatters @staticmethod def open_brace_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: writer.add("{") writer.indent() try: lookahead = _ArrStructInitGen.lookahead_ignoring_format(stack) except IndexError: pass else: if isinstance( lookahead, (_ArrStructInitGen.OpenBrace, CArrayLiteral, CStructLiteral), ): writer.add_line("") return formatters @staticmethod def literal_or_value_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: writer.add(generate_c_value_initializer(top, formatters)) try: lookahead = _ArrStructInitGen.lookahead_ignoring_format(stack) except IndexError: pass else: if isinstance( lookahead, ( CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue, _ArrStructInitGen.Designator, ), ): writer.add(",") if isinstance(lookahead, (CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue)): writer.add(" ") return formatters @staticmethod def designator_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: writer.add_line("." + + " = ") return formatters @staticmethod def formatted_literal_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: new_formatters = formatters.replace(top.formatter) stack.append(formatters) stack.append(top.value) stack.append(new_formatters) return formatters @staticmethod def literal_formatters_handler( top, stack: deque, writer: CodeWriterLite, formatters: LiteralFormatters, ) -> LiteralFormatters: formatters = top return formatters TypeActionPair = namedtuple("TypeActionPair", ("types", "action")) _ArrStructInitGen.type_action_pairs = ( _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(CArrayLiteral), action=_ArrStructInitGen.c_array_literal_handler ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(CStructLiteral), action=_ArrStructInitGen.c_struct_literal_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(_ArrStructInitGen.ClosedBrace), action=_ArrStructInitGen.closed_brace_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(_ArrStructInitGen.OpenBrace), action=_ArrStructInitGen.open_brace_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue), action=_ArrStructInitGen.literal_or_value_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(_ArrStructInitGen.Designator), action=_ArrStructInitGen.designator_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(FormattedLiteral), action=_ArrStructInitGen.formatted_literal_handler, ), _ArrStructInitGen.TypeActionPair( types=(LiteralFormatters), action=_ArrStructInitGen.literal_formatters_handler, ), ) class NoValueError(ValueError): """Variable has no value and hence cannot be initialized."""
[docs]class FuncPtr: """Class describing function pointer args and return type. This class made for declaring function pointer type specifics for use with :class:`Variable`\\ s as their `type` argument. Args: return_type: :obj:`str` containing the return type arguments: an iterable which yields one the following types: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 strings (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys (`name`, `primitive`) """ __slots__ = ("return_type", "arguments") # TODO unify the creation to be the same as Function def __init__( self, return_type: str, arguments: Iterable = None, comment: str = None ) -> None: self.return_type = assure_str(return_type) self.arguments: List[Variable] = [] if arguments is not None: for arg in arguments: self.arguments.append(_get_variable(arg))
[docs] def get_declaration( self, name: str, qualifiers: str = None, array: str = None ) -> str: """Generate the whole declaration :obj:`str` according to parameters. This method is meant to be called from :meth:`Variable.generate_declaration` and :meth:`Variable.generate_initialization` function and is probably useless to You elsewhere. """ jointargs = ", ".join( arg.generate_declaration() for arg in self.arguments ) retval = "{rt} (*{qual}{name}{arr})({arguments})".format( rt=self.return_type, qual=qualifiers if qualifiers else "", name=name, arguments=jointargs if self.arguments else "", arr=array if array else "", ) return retval
[docs]class Variable: """Class describing C variable contruct. You can generate declarations and initializations for variables, and variables can be initialized to very complex values (you can init an array variable to an array of :ccode:`struct` containing arrays that contain :ccode:`structs`, ...). The formatting of initialization :obj:`str`\\ s can be altered by encasing some level of the initialization with a :class:`FormattedLiteral`. As for function values, the following (Python input → C code) translations are assumed (`numpy` and `scipy` `int`\\ s and `float`\\ s are considered ints and floats): - :obj:`dict` → :ccode:`struct` literal - :obj:`list` or `tuple` → array literal - :obj:`int` → :ccode:`int` literal or :ccode:`int` literal - :obj:`float` → :ccode:`float` literal or :ccode:`double` literal - :obj:`bool` → :ccode:`bool` literal or :ccode:`int` literal - :class:`Variable` → name of the variable There is no type checking for initializations. That's what your compiler is for, no sense in replicating such functionality here. Args: name: name of the variable primitive: :obj:`str` name or :class:`FuncPtr` defining the variable's type qualifiers: :obj:`str` or :class:`Sequence` of :obj:`str` listing the variable's qualifiers (:ccode:`const`, :ccode:`volatile`, ...) array: :class:`Sequence` of :obj:`int` defining the dimensions of a (possibly multidimensional) array. If it's left out, it's inferred from `value`. comment: accompanying comment value: variable's value, used for initialization. Explained in detail above """ __slots__ = ( "name", "primitive", "qualifiers", "array", "comment", "value", ) def __init__( self, name: str, primitive: Union[str, FuncPtr], qualifiers: Union[Iterable[str], str] = None, array: Iterable = None, comment: str = None, value: CLiteral = None, ) -> None: = assure_str(name) if isinstance(primitive, FuncPtr): self.primitive: Union[FuncPtr, str] = primitive else: self.primitive = assure_str(primitive) self.comment = assure_str(comment) if comment is not None else None self.array = array self.qualifiers = qualifiers self.value = value @staticmethod def merge_formatters( value: CLiteral, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None ) -> Tuple[CLiteral, LiteralFormatters]: if not formatters: formatters = LiteralFormatters() while isinstance(value, FormattedLiteral): formatters = formatters.replace(value.formatter) value = value.value return (value, formatters) def __array_dimensions(self) -> str: value = self.value if value is not None: value, _ = self.merge_formatters(value) if isinstance(self.array, CArrayLiteral): array = "".join(f"[{dim}]" for dim in self.array) elif self.array is not None: array = f"[{self.array}]" elif self.array is None and isinstance(value, str): array = "[]" elif self.array is None and isinstance(value, Iterable): try: val_shape = _shape(value) array = "".join(f"[{dim}]" for dim in val_shape) except ShapelessError: array = "" else: array = "" return array
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" return
[docs] def generate_declaration(self, extern: bool = False) -> str: """Return a declaration :obj:`str`. Doesn't end with a semicolon (;). Args: extern: whether or not the value is to be declared as :ccode:`extern` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from csnake import Variable >>> var = Variable( ... "test", ... primitive="int", ... value=np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)) ... ) >>> print(var.generate_declaration()) int test[2][3][4] """ if self.qualifiers is not None: if isinstance(self.qualifiers, str): qual = self.qualifiers + " " else: qual = " ".join(self.qualifiers) + " " else: qual = "" array = self.__array_dimensions() if isinstance(self.primitive, FuncPtr): decl = self.primitive.get_declaration(, qualifiers=qual, array=array ) return "{ext}{decl}".format( ext="extern " if extern else "", decl=decl ) return "{ext}{qual}{prim} {name}{array}".format( ext="extern " if extern else "", qual=qual, prim=self.primitive,, array=array, )
@property def declaration(self) -> str: """Declaration string. Ends with a semicolon (;). See Also: :meth:`generate_declaration` for the underlying method. """ return self.generate_declaration(extern=False) + ";" def __generate_array_struct_initialization( self, array: Union[CArrayLiteral, CStructLiteral], indent: Union[int, str] = 4, writer: CodeWriterLite = None, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None, ) -> None: """Print (multi)dimensional arrays.""" if self.value is None: raise NoValueError stack: deque = deque() stack.append(array) if not formatters: formatters = LiteralFormatters() if writer is None: writer = CodeWriterLite(indent=indent) while stack: top = stack.pop() for types, action in _ArrStructInitGen.type_action_pairs: if isinstance(top, types): formatters = action( top=top, stack=stack, writer=writer, formatters=formatters, ) break else: raise TypeError("Unknown type on stack")
[docs] def generate_initialization( self, indent: Union[int, str] = 4 ) -> CodeWriterLite: """Return a :class:`CodeWriterLite` instance containing the initialization code for this :class:`Variable`. Ends with a semicolon (;). Args: indent: indent :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` denoting the number of spaces for indentation Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> from csnake import Variable >>> var = Variable( ... "test", ... primitive="int", ... value=np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)) ... ) >>> print(var.generate_initialization()) int test[2][3][4] = { { {0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7}, {8, 9, 10, 11} }, { {12, 13, 14, 15}, {16, 17, 18, 19}, {20, 21, 22, 23} } }; """ # main part: generating initializer if self.value is None: raise NoValueError writer = CodeWriterLite(indent=indent) if not isinstance(self.qualifiers, str) and isinstance( self.qualifiers, Iterable ): qual = " ".join(self.qualifiers) + " " elif self.qualifiers is not None: qual = assure_str(self.qualifiers) + " " else: qual = "" array = self.__array_dimensions() if isinstance(self.primitive, FuncPtr): decl = self.primitive.get_declaration(, qualifiers=qual, array=array ) writer.add_line(decl) else: writer.add_line(f"{qual}{self.primitive} {}{array}") writer.add(" = ") value, formatters = self.merge_formatters(self.value) if isinstance(value, (CArrayLiteral, CStructLiteral)): self.__generate_array_struct_initialization( value, indent, writer, formatters ) else: formatters = LiteralFormatters() assignment = generate_c_value_initializer(value, formatters) writer.add(assignment) writer.add(";") return writer
@property def initialization(self) -> str: """Initialization :obj:`str`. Ends with a semicolon (;). See Also: :meth:`generate_initialization` for the underlying method. """ return str(self.generate_initialization())
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization (if value in not None) or declaration :obj:`str`. Falls back to declaration if :attr:`value` is None. Ends with a semicolon (;). See Also: :meth:`generate_initialization` for the initialization method. :meth:`generate_declaration` for the declaration method. """ try: return self.initialization except NoValueError: return self.declaration
# no VariableValue is also a VariableValue! VariableValue.register(Variable) def _get_variable(variable: Union[Variable, Collection, Mapping]) -> Variable: """Get a Variable out of one of the following: * a Variable (idempotent) * a Collection (tuple/list-like) of 2 strings (name, primitive) * a Mapping (dict-like) with keys (name, primitive) """ if isinstance(variable, Variable): return variable elif isinstance(variable, Mapping): var = Variable(**variable) return var elif isinstance(variable, Collection): if len(variable) != 2: raise TypeError( "variable must be a Collection with len(variable) == 2" ) var = Variable(*variable) return var else: raise TypeError( "variable must be one of (Variable, Collection, Mapping)" )
[docs]class Struct: """Class describing C :ccode:`struct` construct. Args: name: name of struct typedef: whether or not the struct is :ccode:`typedef`'d Attributes: name: name of struct typedef: whether or not the struct is :ccode:`typedef`'d variables: :obj:`list` of :ccode:`struct`'s variables """ __slots__ = ("name", "variables", "typedef") def __init__(self, name: str, typedef: bool = False) -> None: = assure_str(name) self.variables: List[Variable] = [] self.typedef = bool(typedef)
[docs] def add_variable(self, variable: Union[Variable, Collection, Mapping]): """Add a variable to `struct`. Variables inside of a :class:`Struct` are ordered (added sequentially). Args: variable: variable to add. It can be defined in multiple ways. `variable` can be: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 :obj:`str`\\ s (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys ['name', 'primitive'] """ proc_var = _get_variable(variable) self.variables.append(proc_var)
[docs] def generate_declaration( self, indent: Union[int, str] = 4 ) -> CodeWriterLite: """Generate a :class:`CodeWriterLite` instance containing the initialization code for this :class:`Struct`. Args: indent: indent :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` denoting the number of spaces for indentation Example: >>> from csnake import Variable, Struct >>> strct = Struct("strname", typedef=False) >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=range(10)) >>> strct.add_variable(var1) >>> strct.add_variable(var2) >>> strct.add_variable(("var3", "int")) >>> strct.add_variable({"name": "var4", "primitive": "int"}) >>> print(strct.generate_declaration()) struct strname { int var1; int var2[10]; int var3; int var4; }; """ writer = CodeWriterLite(indent=indent) if self.typedef: writer.add_line("typedef struct") else: writer.add_line(f"struct {}") writer.open_brace() for var in self.variables: writer.add_line(var.declaration) writer.close_brace() if self.typedef: writer.add(" " + + ";") else: writer.add(";") return writer
@property def declaration(self): """:class:`CodeWriterLite` instance containing the declaration code for this :class:`Struct`. See Also: :meth:`generate_declaration` for the underlying method. """ return self.generate_declaration()
[docs] def __str__(self): """Generate a :obj:`str` instance containing the declaration code for this :class:`Struct`.""" return str(self.generate_declaration())
[docs]class AddressOf(VariableValue): """Address of (&) VariableValue for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string containing the & (address of) used on a value. Args: variable: variable to return the address of. Attributes: variable: variable to return the address of. Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, AddressOf >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> addrof_var1 = AddressOf(var1) >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=addrof_var1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = &var1; """ def __init__(self, variable: Union[VariableValue]) -> None: if not isinstance(variable, (VariableValue)): raise TypeError("variable must be of type VariableValue.") self.variable = variable
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" return f"&{generate_c_value_initializer(self.variable, formatters)}"
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class Dereference(VariableValue): """Dereference (*) modifier for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string containing the * (dereference) used on a value. Args: value: value to dereference. Attributes: value: value to dereference. Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Dereference >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> derefd_var1 = Dereference(var1) >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=derefd_var1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = *var1; >>> derefd_number = Dereference(16) >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=derefd_number) >>> print(var3) int var3 = *16; """ __slots__ = "value" def __init__(self, value: Union[CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue)): raise TypeError("value must be of type VariableValue or CLiteral.") self.value = value
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`value`\\ s""" return f"*{generate_c_value_initializer(self.value, formatters)}"
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class Typecast(VariableValue): """Typecast modifier for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string containing the typecast to `type` used on a value. Args: value: value to be typecast cast: type to cast to Attributes: value: value to be typecast cast: type to cast to Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Typecast >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> cast_var1 = Typecast(var1, 'long') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=cast_var1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = (long) var1; >>> cast_number = Typecast(16, 'long') >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=cast_number) >>> print(var3) int var3 = (long) 16; """ __slots__ = ("subscript", "cast") def __init__( self, value: Union[CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue], cast: str ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue)): raise TypeError( "variable must be of type VariableValue or CLiteral." ) self.value = value self.cast = assure_str(cast)
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`value`\\ s""" initializer = generate_c_value_initializer(self.value, formatters) return f"({self.cast}) {initializer}"
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code
[docs]class Subscript(VariableValue): """Subscript ([]) modifier for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string with a subscripted value. Args: variable: variable to be typecast subscript: a :class:`VariableValue` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`list` or `tuple` of them representing the subscript[s]. Attributes: variable: variable to be typecast subscript: a :class:`VariableValue` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`list` or `tuple` of them representing the subscript[s]. Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Subscript >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> subscr1_var1 = Subscript(var1, 3) >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=subscr1_var1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = var1[3]; >>> subscr2_var1 = Subscript(var1, (3, 2)) >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=subscr2_var1) >>> print(var3) int var3 = var1[3][2]; >>> subscr2_var1 = Subscript(var1, (var3, 2)) >>> var4 = Variable("var4", "int", value=subscr2_var1) >>> print(var4) int var4 = var1[var3][2]; """ __slots__ = ("subscript", "variable") def __init__( self, variable: Union[CLiteral, VariableValue], subscript: Iterable ) -> None: if not isinstance(variable, VariableValue): raise TypeError("variable must be VariableValue.") self.variable = variable if not isinstance( subscript, (CIntLiteral, Iterable, VariableValue, CArrayLiteral) ): raise TypeError( "Subscript must be an CIntLiteral, VariableValue " "(or Variable), list or tuple." ) if not subscript: raise TypeError("Subscript must be non-empty.") try: self.subscript = list(subscript) except TypeError: self.subscript = [subscript]
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" return generate_c_value_initializer( self.variable, formatters ) + "".join( f"[{generate_c_value_initializer(dim, formatters)}]" for dim in self.subscript )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class Dot(VariableValue): """Dot (.) VariableValue for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string for accessing a specific member of a struct. Args: variable: variable whose member we're accessing member: name of member we're accessing Attributes: variable: variable whose member we're accessing member: name of member we're accessing Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Dot >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "struct somestr") >>> dotvar = Dot(var1, 'some_member') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=dotvar) >>> print(var2) int var2 = var1.some_member; """ __slots__ = ("variable", "member") def __init__( self, variable: Union[CLiteral, VariableValue], member: str ) -> None: if not isinstance(variable, VariableValue): raise TypeError("variable must be VariableValue.") self.variable = variable if not isinstance(member, (VariableValue, str)): raise TypeError("member must be either a VariableValue or a str.") self.member = member
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" if isinstance(self.member, str): return ( self.variable.init_target_code(formatters) + "." + self.member ) elif isinstance(self.member, VariableValue): return ( self.variable.init_target_code(formatters) + "." + self.member.init_target_code(formatters) )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class Arrow(VariableValue): """Arrow (->) VariableValue for variable initialization. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string for accessing a specific member of a struct indirectly (through a pointer). Args: variable: variable whose member we're accessing member: name of member we're accessing Attributes: variable: variable whose member we're accessing member: name of member we're accessing Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Arrow >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "struct somestr") >>> arrvar = Arrow(var1, 'some_member') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=arrvar) >>> print(var2) int var2 = var1->some_member; """ __slots__ = "variable" "item" def __init__( self, variable: Union[CLiteral, VariableValue], item: str ) -> None: if not isinstance(variable, VariableValue): raise TypeError("variable must be VariableValue.") self.variable = variable if not isinstance(item, (VariableValue, str)): raise TypeError("item must be either a VariableValue or a str.") self.item = item
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" if isinstance(self.item, str): return ( self.variable.init_target_code(formatters) + "->" + self.item ) elif isinstance(self.item, VariableValue): return ( self.variable.init_target_code(formatters) + "->" + self.item.init_target_code(formatters) )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class GenericModifier(VariableValue): """VariableValue generated by applying a function to a value. A value's initializer string is passed through the supplied function, which should return a :obj:`str`. Args: value: value whose initializer we're passing through a function format_function: function used for modifying a value's initializer Attributes: value: value whose initializer we're passing through a function format_function: function used for modifying a value's initializer Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, GenericModifier >>> var1 = Variable("var1", "int") >>> genmod_var1 = GenericModifier(var1, lambda l: f'TRANSLATE({l})') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=genmod_var1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = TRANSLATE(var1); >>> genmod_var2 = GenericModifier('test', lambda l: f'do_whatever({l})') >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=genmod_var2) >>> print(var3) int var3 = do_whatever("test"); """ __slots__ = ("value", "format_function") def __init__( self, value: Union[CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue], function: Callable ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (CExtendedLiteral, VariableValue)): raise TypeError( "value must be of type VariableValue or CExtendedLiteral." ) self.value = value self.format_function = function
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" return self.format_function(generate_c_value_initializer(self.value))
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class OffsetOf(VariableValue): """offsetof VariableValue modifier for initializing to offsets of struct members. Subclass of :class:`VariableValue` that returns an initialization string containing the offset of a specific member of a struct. Args: struct: struct whose member's offset we're using member: struct member whose offset we're using Attributes: struct: struct whose member's offset we're using member: struct member whose offset we're using Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, OffsetOf, Struct >>> offs_val1 = OffsetOf('struct some', 'some_member') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=offs_val1 ) >>> print(var2) int var2 = offsetof(struct some, some_member); >>> test_struct = Struct('other') >>> offs_val2 = OffsetOf(test_struct, 'other_member') >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=offs_val2 ) >>> print(var3) int var3 = offsetof(struct other, other_member); """ __slots__ = ("struct", "member") def __init__( self, struct: Union[Struct, str], member: Union[VariableValue, str] ) -> None: if not isinstance(struct, (str, Struct)): raise TypeError("First argument must be either a Struct or a str.") self.struct = struct if not isinstance(member, (VariableValue, str)): raise TypeError( "Second argument must be either a VariableValue or a str" ) self.member = member
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" if isinstance(self.struct, str): struct_name = self.struct elif isinstance(self.struct, Struct): if self.struct.typedef: struct_name = else: struct_name = "struct " + if isinstance(self.member, str): member_name = self.member elif isinstance(self.member, VariableValue): member_name = self.member.init_target_code(formatters) return f"offsetof({struct_name}, {member_name})"
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class TextModifier(VariableValue): """Generic textual VariableValue for initializing to an arbitrary :obj:`str`. The :obj:`str` supplied as the argument is output verbatim as the Initialization string. Args: text: initialization string Attributes: text: initialization string Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, TextModifier >>> textmod1 = TextModifier('whatever + you + want') >>> var2 = Variable("var2", "int", value=textmod1) >>> print(var2) int var2 = whatever + you + want; >>> textmod2 = TextModifier(f'you_can_do_this_too + {}') >>> var3 = Variable("var3", "int", value=textmod2) >>> print(var3) int var3 = you_can_do_this_too + var2; """ __slots__ = "text" def __init__(self, text: str) -> None: self.text = assure_str(text)
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return a :obj:`str` used for initialization of other :obj:`Variable`\\ s""" return self.text
[docs] def __str__(self): """Initialization string.""" return self.init_target_code()
[docs]class Function: """Class describing C function. You can generate a function prototype (declaration), a definition or a call. A function's body is a :class:`CodeWriterLite`, so You can add lines of code to it (or a whole new :class:`CodeWriter` instance). Args: name: name of the function return_type: :obj:`str` containing function's return type qualifiers: :obj:`str` or :class:`Sequence` of :obj:`str` listing the function's qualifiers (:ccode:`const`, :ccode:`volatile`, ...) arguments: an iterable which yields one the following types: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 strings (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys (`name`, `primitive`) Attributes: name: name of the function return_type: :obj:`str` containing function's return type qualifiers: :obj:`str` or :class:`Sequence` of :obj:`str` listing the function's qualifiers (:ccode:`const`, :ccode:`volatile`, ...) arguments: an iterable which yields one the following types: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 strings (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys (`name`, `primitive`) codewriter: internal instance of :class:`CodeWriterLite` that contains the funtion's body code. """ __slots__ = ( "name", "return_type", "arguments", "qualifiers", "codewriter", ) def __init__( self, name: str, return_type: str = "void", qualifiers: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None, arguments: Iterable = None, ) -> None: = assure_str(name) self.return_type = assure_str(return_type) self.arguments: List[Variable] = [] self.codewriter = CodeWriterLite() if isinstance(qualifiers, str): self.qualifiers = qualifiers.split() elif qualifiers is not None: self.qualifiers = [ assure_str(qualifier) for qualifier in qualifiers ] else: self.qualifiers = [] if arguments is not None: for arg in arguments: proc_arg = _get_variable(arg) self.add_argument(proc_arg)
[docs] def add_argument(self, arg: Variable) -> None: """Add an argument to function. Arguments are added sequentially. arg: an one the following types: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 strings (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys (`name`, `primitive`) """ proc_arg = _get_variable(arg) self.arguments.append(proc_arg)
[docs] def add_arguments(self, args: Iterable[Variable]) -> None: """Add multiple arguments to function. Arguments are added sequentially. args: an iterable which yields one the following types: * a :class:`Variable` * a :class:`Collection` (:obj:`tuple`/:obj:`list`-like) of 2 strings (`name`, `primitive`) * a :class:`Mapping` (:obj:`dict`-like) with keys (`name`, `primitive`) """ for arg in args: self.add_argument(arg)
[docs] def add_code(self, code: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> None: """Add a :obj:`str` or :obj:`Iterable` of :obj:`str`\\ s to function's body Since a :class:`CodeWriter` is an iterable of :obj:`str`\\ s, you can simply add its contents to the function by passing it to this method. Args: code: :obj:`str` or :obj:`Iterable` of :obj:`str`\\ s to be added """ self.codewriter.add_lines(code)
[docs] def generate_call(self, *arg) -> str: """Return function calling code for specific arguments. Args: \\*arg: argument values for call, in order of appearance. Doesn't end with a semicolon (;). Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Function >>> arg1 = Variable("arg1", "int") >>> arg2 = Variable("arg2", "int", value=range(10)) >>> arg3 = ("arg3", "int") >>> arg4 = {"name": "arg4", "primitive": "int"} >>> fun = Function( ... "testfunct", "void", arguments=(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) ... ) >>> fun.add_code(("code;", "more_code;")) >>> print(fun.generate_call(1, 2, 3, 4)) testfunct(1, 2, 3, 4) """ # if the arguments are all given in a single iterable if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(next(iter(arg)), Iterable): return self.generate_call(*next(iter(arg))) if not len(arg) == len(self.arguments): raise ValueError("number of arguments must match") arg_str = ", ".join(str(argument) for argument in arg) return f"{}({arg_str})"
[docs] def generate_prototype(self, extern: bool = False) -> str: """Generate function prototype code. Args: extern: whether or not the function is to be declared as :ccode:`extern` Doesn't end with a semicolon (;). Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Function >>> arg1 = Variable("arg1", "int") >>> arg2 = Variable("arg2", "int", value=range(10)) >>> arg3 = ("arg3", "int") >>> arg4 = {"name": "arg4", "primitive": "int"} >>> fun = Function( ... "testfunct", "void", arguments=(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) ... ) >>> fun.add_code(("code;", "more_code;")) >>> print(fun.generate_prototype()) void testfunct(int arg1, int arg2[10], int arg3, int arg4) """ return "{extern}{qual}{ret} {nm}({args})".format( extern="extern " if extern else "", qual=" ".join(self.qualifiers) + " " if self.qualifiers else "", ret=self.return_type,, args=", ".join( var.generate_declaration() for var in self.arguments ) if self.arguments else "void", )
@property def prototype(self) -> str: """Function prototype (declaration) :obj:`str`. Ends with a semicolon (;). See Also: :meth:`generate_prototype` for the underlying method. """ return self.generate_prototype() + ";"
[docs] def generate_definition( self, indent: Union[int, str] = " " ) -> CodeWriterLite: """Return a :class:`CodeWriterLite` instance containing the definition code for this :class:`Function`. Args: indent: indent :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` denoting the number of spaces for indentation Examples: >>> from csnake import Variable, Function >>> arg1 = Variable("arg1", "int") >>> arg2 = Variable("arg2", "int", value=range(10)) >>> arg3 = ("arg3", "int") >>> arg4 = {"name": "arg4", "primitive": "int"} >>> fun = Function( ... "testfunct", "void", arguments=(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) ... ) >>> fun.add_code(("code;", "more_code;")) >>> print(fun.generate_definition()) void testfunct(int arg1, int arg2[10], int arg3, int arg4) { code; more_code; } """ writer = CodeWriterLite(indent=indent) writer.add_line(self.generate_prototype()) writer.open_brace() writer.add_lines(self.codewriter) # type: ignore writer.close_brace() return writer
@property def definition(self) -> str: """Function definition :obj:`str`. See Also: :meth:`generate_definition` for the underlying method. """ return self.generate_definition().code
[docs] def init_target_code(self, formatters: LiteralFormatters = None) -> str: """Return code used for variable initialization, formatted with the supplied formatters. Args: formatters: collection of formatters used for formatting the initialization :obj:`str` """ return
# TODO: allow for functions to be used to initialize function pointers VariableValue.register(Function)
[docs]class Enum: """Class describing C :ccode:`enum` construct. Args: name: name of the enum prefix: prefix to add to every enumeration's name typedef: whether or not the enum is :ccode:`typedef`'d Attributes: name: name of the enum typedef: whether or not the enum is :ccode:`typedef`'d prefix: prefix to add to every enumeration's name values: `list` of :class:`Enum.EnumValue` """ __slots__ = ("typedef", "values", "name", "prefix")
[docs] class EnumValue: """Singular value of an C-style enumeration.""" __slots__ = ("name", "value", "comment") def __init__( self, name: str, value: Union[CLiteral, VariableValue] = None, comment: str = None, ) -> None: = assure_str(name) if value is not None and not isinstance( value, (CLiteral, VariableValue) ): raise ValueError( f"value ({value}) must be one of (CLiteral, VariableValue)" ) self.value = value self.comment = assure_str(comment) if comment is not None else None
def __init__( self, name: str, prefix: str = None, typedef: bool = False ) -> None: self.typedef = bool(typedef) # enum values self.values: List[Enum.EnumValue] = [] = assure_str(name) if prefix is not None: self.prefix = assure_str(prefix) else: self.prefix = ""
[docs] def add_value( self, name: str, value: Union[CLiteral, VariableValue] = None, comment: str = None, ) -> None: """Add a single :ccode:`name = value` pair (or just :ccode:`name`).""" self.values.append(self.EnumValue(name, value=value, comment=comment))
[docs] def add_values( self, values: Union[Mapping, Collection[Union[Mapping, Collection, str]]], ) -> None: """Add multiple :ccode:`name = value` pairs (or just :ccode:`name`\\ s). Values can be one of: * a :obj:`dict` with `name` : `value` entries * a collection of: * :obj:`str`\\ s denoting names (no value) * :obj:`dict`\\ s with keys [`name`, `value`, `comment`], and optional keys [`value`, `comment`] * collections (:obj:`list`-like) of length 1-3 denoting [`name`, `value`, `comment`] respectively """ if isinstance(values, Mapping): for name, value in values.items(): self.add_value(name, value) else: for value in values: if isinstance(value, str): self.add_value(value) elif isinstance(value, Mapping): self.add_value(**value) # lists and tuples else: defaults = (None, None, None) name = seq_get(value, defaults, 0) value = seq_get(value, defaults, 1) comment = seq_get(value, defaults, 2) name = assure_str(name) self.add_value(name, value, comment)
[docs] def generate_declaration( self, indent: Union[int, str] = 4 ) -> CodeWriterLite: """Generate enum declaration code. Generate a :class:`CodeWriterLite` instance containing the initialization code for this :class:`Enum`. Args: indent: indent :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` denoting the number of spaces for indentation Examples: >>> from csnake import ( ... Enum, Variable, Dereference, AddressOf ... ) >>> name = "somename" >>> pfx = "pfx" >>> typedef = False >>> enum = Enum(name, prefix=pfx, typedef=typedef) >>> cval1 = Variable("varname", "int") >>> enum.add_value("val1", 1) >>> enum.add_value("val2", Dereference(1000)) >>> enum.add_value("val3", cval1) >>> enum.add_value("val4", AddressOf(cval1), "some comment") >>> print(enum.generate_declaration()) enum somename { pfxval1 = 1, pfxval2 = *1000, pfxval3 = varname, pfxval4 = &varname /* some comment */ }; """ gen = CodeWriterLite(indent=indent) if self.typedef: gen.add_line("typedef enum") else: gen.add_line("enum {name}".format( gen.open_brace() def _generate_lines( values: Iterable, lastline: bool = False ) -> Iterator: return ( ( "{prefix}{name}{value}{comma}".format( prefix=self.prefix, name=assure_str(, value=(" = " + generate_c_value_initializer(val.value)) if val.value else "", comma="," if not lastline else "", ), val.comment, ) for val in values ) commalines = _generate_lines(self.values[:-1], lastline=False) lastline = _generate_lines(self.values[-1:], lastline=True) for line in chain(commalines, lastline): gen.add_line(*line) gen.close_brace() if self.typedef: gen.add(" " + + ";") else: gen.add(";") return gen
@property def declaration(self) -> str: """The declaration :obj:`str` (with indentation of 4 spaces). See Also: :meth:`generate_declaration` for the underlying method. """ return self.generate_declaration().code
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return the declaration :obj:`str` (with indentation of 4 spaces). """ return self.declaration